Get to know us

Welcome to IndieStakeHub, your gateway to a one-of-a-kind Cardano staking experience. At IndieStakeHub, we believe in the power of financial independence, diversity, and true decentralization.

Our team

At IndieStakeHub, our "team" harmonizes human expertise with cutting-edge technology to provide a staking experience that's reliable, secure, and forward-thinking. Join us on this journey towards financial independence and genuine decentralization.


- Our Decentralization Maestro -

Introducing IndieStakeAdmin, the visionary behind IndieStakeHub's decentralized ecosystem. Armed with a university degree in Software Engineering and a decade of IT expertise, he's not just navigating the world of staking pools; they're sculpting the future of decentralized finance.

Block Producer

- The Silent Dynamo -

Our Block Producer may not be a person, but it's the unsung hero working tirelessly to validate blocks on the Cardano network. Silent yet robust, it ensures the integrity and security of the IndieStakeHub pool.

Block Producer
Block Producer
Relay Node

- The Technological Backbone -

Similar to the Block Producer, our Relay Node isn't a human team member but a crucial server. Serving as the technological backbone, it facilitates communication and data transfer within the Cardano network, ensuring our pool stays seamlessly connected.

Relay Node
Relay Node
Get to know us
Get to know us

Our mission

Our mission is to create a vibrant community of delegators who share our commitment to the real decentralization of Cardano. We believe that every delegation matters, contributing to the strength and resilience of the Cardano ecosystem.

Our vision

Financial Independence: We celebrate and encourage financial independence. Your involvement with IndieStakeHub goes beyond staking; it contributes to the financial empowerment of each participant.

Diversity: We believe in the strength of diversity. At IndieStakeHub, we welcome delegators from all backgrounds and strive to create an inclusive community.

Education: Education is at the core of our mission. We are committed to providing educational resources to make Cardano accessible to everyone, whether you're a beginner or an expert.

True Decentralization: As a member of the Cardano Single Pool Alliance, we work to promote true and meaningful decentralization. We believe in the strength of pools managed by single operators.

Our infrastructure

At IndieStakeHub, we invest in robust infrastructure to ensure a reliable and secure staking experience. Our high-performance servers are equipped with the latest technologies:

  • Processor: 8-core CPU.

  • Memory: 32GB RAM.

  • Storage: 400GB NVMe Disk Space.

  • Bandwidth: 8TB.

  • Internet: Dedicated IP, Network speed of 300 MB/s.

  • 24/7 customer support.