Elevating Multi-Staking on Cardano

Dive into the latest Lace updates! Experience enhanced multi-staking control, simplified user interfaces, and bug fixes that make your Cardano journey smoother. Lace continues to redefine Web3, empowering users with flexibility and ease.


11/25/20232 min read

timelapse photography of vehicle passing on road at nighttime
timelapse photography of vehicle passing on road at nighttime

Cardano's Lace light wallet continues to set the pace with its recent updates, namely Lace 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7, bringing an array of features that redefine the user experience. These updates not only enhance multi-staking capabilities but also streamline various aspects, making Lace even more accessible and user-friendly.

Multi-Staking Evolution

More Control with Lace 1.6

Lace 1.6 introduces a significant enhancement to multi-staking, allowing users greater control over their staking ratios. Now, users can stake as much or as little as they prefer to each of their chosen stake pools, with the ability to adjust ratios easily through an intuitive interface in the "Manage" section. This newfound flexibility empowers users to customize their multi-staking strategy according to their preferences.

Simplified Multi-Staking

Lace acknowledges the importance of simplicity, and with these updates, multi-staking becomes even more straightforward. Users can now conveniently view all their selected pools at the top of the Browse Pools tab, providing a clear overview. To enhance user understanding, tooltips have been added to column names, ensuring users are well-informed at every step.

Enhancements in Recovery Phrase Setup

Setting up the Recovery Phrase is a crucial aspect of wallet management, and Lace 1.6 makes this process even more user-friendly. Improved directions within the Recovery Phrase section in Settings ensure a clearer and more straightforward setup, aligning with Lace's commitment to an easy and seamless user experience.

Bug Fixes and Responsive Design

Lace prioritizes the integrity of its features, and the recent updates include several bug fixes in multi-staking. Users can now expect accurate fund displays from all addresses post multi-staking, precise calculations after removing a pool, and improved responsiveness in horizontal screen adjustments during multi-staking. Additionally, the staking summary now accurately reflects ada rewards on the mainnet.


Lace's journey of evolution continues with these updates, marking a significant chapter in the Cardano ecosystem. The improved multi-staking features and overall enhancements reinforce Lace's commitment to providing users with a powerful, flexible, and user-friendly platform. As Lace paves the way for a new era in decentralized finance, users can expect continuous improvements, making their Web3 journey seamless and empowering.

Stay connected with Lace's official channels for more updates and insights.