How to Delegate Your ADA with Nami Wallet, Yoroi, and Daedalus

Learn how to stake your ADA with Nami Wallet, Yoroi, and Daedalus in our latest tutorial. Secure the Cardano network and earn rewards while delegating with ease. Get started today!


11/11/20231 min read

a sticky note pinned to a wall with the words how to written on it
a sticky note pinned to a wall with the words how to written on it

Delegating your ADA to a staking pool is a way to participate in securing the Cardano network while earning rewards. Here's how to do it with Nami Wallet, Yoroi, and Daedalus wallets:

Nami Wallet:

  1. Download and install Nami Wallet on your device.

  2. Open the application and create a new wallet or restore an existing wallet using your recovery phrase.

  3. Once your wallet is set up, make sure it contains ADA.

  4. In the app, search for a staking pool of your choice. You can do this by using the pool ID or exploring the available pools.

  5. Select the pool you want to delegate your funds to.

  6. Click "Delegate" and follow the steps to confirm delegation. You'll need to enter your wallet password.

  7. Once the delegation is confirmed, you will start earning rewards.


  1. Download and install the Yoroi extension for your browser (available for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge).

  2. Open Yoroi, create a new wallet, or restore an existing wallet.

  3. When your wallet is ready, ensure it contains ADA.

  4. Click "Delegation List" in the Yoroi interface to see the list of available staking pools.

  5. Select the pool you want to delegate to.

  6. Click "Delegate to this pool" and follow the instructions to confirm delegation.

  7. You'll receive a notification once the delegation is successfully completed.


  1. Download and install Daedalus on your computer.

  2. Open Daedalus and create a new wallet or restore an existing wallet.

  3. Once your wallet is operational, ensure it contains ADA.

  4. Access the "Staking" section of Daedalus, where you'll find a list of available staking pools.

  5. Select the pool you want to delegate to.

  6. Click "Delegate" and follow the instructions to confirm the delegation. You'll need to enter your wallet password.

  7. Once the delegation is confirmed, you will start earning rewards.

Make sure to choose a reliable and well-rated staking pool, as it can impact your rewards. Delegating your ADA is an excellent way to participate in securing the Cardano network while generating passive income.